25 Simple Tips to make your Diet healthier


25 Simple Tips to make your Diet healthier

It is important to have a healthy diet for the required nutrition and good health. This ‘healthy’ diet needs to be of a variety of different vegetables, fruits, proteins and other essential nutrients with less of sugar, carbohydrates and the ‘bad’ fats. With a healthy diet there is less suffering and you can make the best of life without stressing about your health.

Few tips can always be helpful in making your diet healthier.

  1. Choosing bread:

Why not choose whole grain bread instead of the very unhealthy refined bread? This applies to all those ‘bread-eater’s who are looking for ways and means to make their diet healthier. Whole grain bread is a source of B vitamins, fiber and a whole lot of minerals.

  1. Slow Down your Eating:

How much you eat depends largely on the pace you eat. Hormones control how full you get and how much you eat. These hormones send a signal to the brain when you are full. The brain gets these signals after 20 minutes, so, eating slow is sending the right signals to the brain and there are no chances of over-eating.

  1. Adding Lean Protein:

A healthy diet includes a specific portion of proteins in your meals. You need to include seafood in your meal at least twice a week and on the other days you can make a choice of turkey, bacon, chicken, pork or beef.

  1. Remember the Dairy:

Your meal can be complete only if you add some sort of dairy to this. You have the choice of deciding on a cup of low-fat or fat-free milk.

  1. Including eggs:

To ensure you are having a healthy diet you need to add eggs at least once a day in any of your meals. These work best during breakfast. Eggs have multiple nutrients and proteins, all of which are essential for a healthier you.

  1. Drinking enough and more of Water:
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Water needs to be given importance when you are planning a healthy diet. This drinking of water helps you maintains the right weight and can also help in your weight loss program and burn additional calories. Drinking water meals can control your appetite.

  1. Roast or Bake:

Give up on frying and grilling when cooking. It is advisable to bake or roast when looking for a healthy diet. Baking and roasting are known to keep the food healthier.

  1. Using Mustard instead of Mayo:

Mayo is known to be high in calories, Omega-6 fatty acids and fat grams. In other words this is not a healthy choice for your sandwich. Why not use Mustard instead and be healthy without taking any chances.

  1. Replace the Restaurant:

Most of us prefer those ‘fast food ‘joints which serve our favorite foods. You can go out and enjoy but why not look for a restaurant which concentrates on serving only healthy food.

  1. No French Fries:

A healthy diet will have baked potatoes and not French fries. Give up fries and start baking those potatoes you so love as you want to follow a healthy diet.

  1. Fruits and not juices:

To ensure a healthy diet it is important to add fruits to this. Fruits are known to be loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, fiber and water. These are digested slowly and hence do not spike up the levels of sugar. The same does not apply to juices, which can cause more harm than good.

  1. Ensure Activity:

Physical activity can be included in a healthy diet as this helps you burn off all those extra calories you have accumulated over a period of time. Exercise tends to tackle depression and boosts the ‘good’ mood.

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  1. ‘Diet’ Foods a big ‘NO’:

These so called ‘diet’ foods often compensate for the lack of flavor by including other ingredients which are harmful to health and can in no way be called ‘healthy’ diet.

  1. Not Chips but Popcorn:

Loaded with fiber and nutrients, popcorn is a whole grain and is thus a healthy food. Chips contain more of calories as compared to popcorn and can this be eliminated from your list of foods for a healthy diet.

  1. Healthy Oils:

Vegetable and seeds oils which are processed are high in Omega-6 fatty acids, which are unhealthy. This can lead to multiple ailments including inflammation. You can include extra virgin olive oil for he required healthy diet.

  1. Drinking unsweetened tea:

You consume 32 grams of sugar and about 140 calories when you drink tea which is sweetened. Switching to tea which is unsweetened can save around 7,840 calories. Every small detail needs to be taken into account when choosing a healthy diet.

  1. Avoid White Sauce:

Cream or butter based white sauce contains not only saturated fats but also a whole lot of calories. Switching over to tomato sauce you are assured that you are consuming low-fats. This tomato sauce offers healthy phytochemicals and antioxidants.

  1. Eating at Home:

When you decide to eat at home you have the freedom to control what you are eating. You can eat out once a week as a treat.

  1. Creative Cooking:

You can add a few more veggies to your sandwich or casserole to ensure this is healthier. You can cut down on cheese and butter.

  1. Not Dried Berries but fresh Berries:
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Berries are definitely a part of a healthy diet but not the dried ones. These contain a lot of fiber, antioxidants and other nutrients. The dried berries are concentrated with sugar and calories as the water has been removed.

  1. Choose Quality Sleep:

Appetite regulation can be disrupted by sleep deprivation. Sleeping on time and without any disturbance is definitely an ‘essential’ for following a healthy diet.

  1. Concentrate on the Greens:

To ensure you are consuming enough of greens, you need to have these as starters. This ensures you eat the healthiest part of the meal first when you are hungry and do not indulge on the unhealthy diet.

  1. Choose a Healthy Recipe:

Most of us tend to follow the same old recipes every time we cook. Try out a new recipe with healthy ingredients. This can make it not only tasty but also full of flavor.

  1. Taking Supplements:

You find that most of us lack the Omega-3 fatty acids which are an essential for good health. You can start on the supplements for compensating for the loss.

  1. Greek Yogurt:

As compared to the regular yogurt, Greek yogurt is healthier as this is higher in proteins and fat as the water has been removed. You can even have this as a snack as it helps you feeling full for a longer period of time.

Small changes made to your regular diet and life-style is what you need when you choose a ‘healthy diet’.

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