27 Health and Nutrition Tips that are actually Evidence Based
There are contradicting opinions when talking about nutrition and health. Many of these given opinions are based on evidence, which means; these are apt nutrition and health tips which need to be followed.
- Avoid Sugar Calories:
Not many are aware that drinking soda adds more calories as your brain measures calories in a different way for liquids and different for solids. Sugary drinks leads to ailments likeType-2 diabetes, obesity, heart diseases and other problems.
- Keep away from Junk Food:
Junk foods tend to trigger the centers of pleasure and thus, you find that you tend to over eat this. These foods are usually low in proteins, fiber and other micronutrients, but contain refined grains and sugar which is definitely unhealthy.
- Concentrate on Nuts:
Nuts are healthy and nutritious though these are high in fat. Besides other nutrients, you find that nuts contain Vitamin E, magnesium and, fiber. These can help you in fighting different ailments and can also help you in losing weight.
- Getting Sleep:
You need to be aware that deprivation of sleep can reduce the mental and physical performance, disrupt the hormones of appetite and also drive insulin resistance. Sleeping on time is absolutely important for good health.
- Coffee is healthy:
Not many are aware that coffee is high in antioxidants and reduces the risk of Type-2 diabetes and ensures longevity. This can fight Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Drink that cup of coffee for good health and nutrition.
- Eating fatty Fish:
Fish contains a lot of healthy fat and proteins, both of which are essential for health and nutrition. Salmon works ideal for those looking for nutrition as this contains Omega-3 Fatty acids along with numerous other nutrients.
- Avoid Overcooking Meat:
Though meat is considered healthy with nutrient and proteins, over-cooking or burning this can lead to health problems as this leads to the formation of harmful compounds.
- Fiber and Probiotics for Gut health:
Gut microbiatia, which is the bacteria in your gut, is important for the overall health. It is important to ensure that the gut health is maintained by consuming a lot of fiber and also probiotics to avoid chronic diseases. You need to include sauerkraut and yogurt in your diet for this.
- Turn off the Lights:
You need to make sure the lights are turned off before you sleep. It has been proved that bright lights can disrupt melatonin, which is a sleep hormone.
- Intakes of Fruits and Vegetables:
Fruits and vegetables have a high content of fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which have positive biological effects. Research has proved that those who concentrate on fruits and vegetables live longer and also live healthier.
- Take Vitamin D3:
There are many people who do not get the required exposure to sun. This leads to a deficiency of Vitamin D which is required for bringing down depression, increasing strength and for bone health. An alternative which works well here is the intake of Vitamin D supplements.
- Drinking Water before Meals:
Drinking water not only helps in flushing out the toxins but can also increase your metabolism. This leads to burning off more calories. A glass of water before meals can tackle the over-eating problem you face. This is definitely healthy and nutritious.
- Drink in Moderation and No Smoking:
Smoking and drugs can be considered as ‘killers’. Tackling this problem is more important than changing your diet and life style for the health and nutrition you are looking for. If you are into the habit of drinking in excess, it is advisable to completely avoid this.
- Enough and more of Protein:
Besides being beneficial to the overall health, protein is also an important requirement for loss of weight. You feel full for a longer period of time with the intake of proteins and thus can avoid all those hunger pangs between meals.
- Minimize the Intake of Sugar:
Adding sugar to your meals is one of the worst choices made due to the many problems this can cause. If possible, you can totally eliminate this, or probably bring down the consumption to the minimum.
- Avoiding Trans fats:
Trans-fats are manmade and thus harmful. This is directly linked to heart diseases and inflammation.
- Lift heavy things:
Improving the composition of your body and improving your muscles can be possible only by lifting weights.
- Consume Saturated Fats:
Saturated fats can bring down the levels of bad cholesterol and raise the level of the good cholesterol, which is definitely considered healthy and nutritious.
- Minimize refined carbs:
Refined carbs are low in fiber as these are highly processed. Including these in your daily meals is certainly harmful.
- Avoid going on a Diet:
There are few chances of not putting on weight once you go off a specific diet. Instead of choosing to diet, it is important that you adapt a healthy lifestyle.
- Get rid of Belly fat:
Belly fat is linked to multiple metabolic diseases and thus harmful. Eating more of proteins and cutting down on carbs can help you get rid of this fat.
- Tracking Intake of Food:
To ensure you are eating well with enough of the required nutrients and proteins, you need to track your food once in a way. This can be done with the help of a nutrition tracker.
- Eating Eggs regularly:
Eggs are termed as ‘multivitamins of nature’ and are very nutritious. Research has proved that eggs have no connection with heart diseases, as believed by many. You can consume eggs on a daily basis without any negative side effects.
- Care for your Relationships:
It is a proved fact that social relationships have an impact on the physical and mental health of an individual. People who care for their relations live a healthier life.
- Using Herbs and Spices:
Including herbs and spices in your diet is beneficial to your health as most of these have anti-inflammatory properties and also work well as anti-biotic.
- Using Extra Virgin Olive Oil:
As compared to the different vegetable oils, extra virgin olive oil has been proved to be the healthiest. This is loaded with anti-oxidants and monounsaturated fats which have the ability to fight inflammation.
- Choose to do Cardio:
The physical and mental health of an individual can improve to a large extent when you choose to do cardio on a routine basis. This plays an important role in reducing the belly fat.
It is easy to be healthy and live well with the tips listed above. Give your health the importance it deserves.
27 Health and Nutrition Tips that are actually Evidence Based