50 Tips to Lose Weight in 2020
Many people have realized the dangers of excessive weight and are looking for ways and means to lose weight in a safe manner. Research has proved that following diet fads and exercises can be harmful in the long run. Many of these diets can be termed as ‘temporary’ as these do help in weight loss but as soon as you stop the diet, you tend to put on more weight than what you have lost. Most of these diets followed, lack the essential nutrients which means you are prone to different ailments as the immunity is compromised. Permanent weight loss is gradual and can be considered as ‘healthy’.
Tips to Lose Weight:
- Drinking Water:
Drinking water helps in keeping you well hydrated besides helping in the required weight loss. When talking about ‘water’, this means plain and simple water and not sugary drinks, juices or beverages. Make an effort and keep a bottle of water close-by so that you are not tempted with other drinks when you are thirsty.
- Eating Fiber:
Concentrate on fiber-rich foods as these can help you keep full for a long period of time. There are specific fibers also known to aid the weight loss program.
- Take your time to Chew:
Weight gain is unavoidable if you have the habit of eating fast. Take your time to chew your food and relish each morsel. This can also ensure the feeling of fullness.
- Intake of Proteins:
Proteins are considered as one of the most essential nutrients required by your body. These also manage the hormones which are responsible for your appetite and hunger. It is thus, important to ensure a certain amount of protein in your daily meal.
- Small Portion of Food:
Avoid being greedy and serve yourself the food in a small plate. The amount of food eaten can be controlled without you feeling hungry.
- Stay away from Stress:
Not many are aware that stress can lead to an increase in the stress hormone, cortisol. Everyone faces problems and managing them can be easy if you are in a relaxed state of mind. Stress also leads to over-eating and thus, weight gain.
- ‘NO’ to Sugary Drinks:
Sugar needs to be kept at a distance when you intend losing weight. The same applies to the sugary drinks you so love. These drinks lead to consumption of more calories as compared to solids.
- Snack Healthy:
Instead of all those processed foods and chips, snack on healthy fruits and salads. You can even opt for nuts or yogurt when you are hungry in-between meals.
- Drink Black Coffee:
Coffee can work in the positive for your health if you have this sans any sugar or fat. This means, black coffee can benefit your health and also help in weight loss.
- Avoid refined Carbohydrates:
Studies have proved that consuming refined carbohydrates is more harmful than consuming saturated fats. Due to the influx of sugar from refined carbohydrates, the liver tends to release fats into the blood stream. Choose whole grains instead and benefit.
- Intermittent Fasting:
You need to develop a cycle between eating and fasting. This is one sure way to lose weight and maintain this weight loss permanently. This is due to the calorie restriction followed.
- Walking for Weight Loss:
Ensure you take up brisk walking for a minimum of 45 minutes every day. This helps in increasing the metabolism and also massages the internal organs.
- Measuring Oil:
You need to be aware that consuming too much of oil is one major cause of weight gain. Cook your food with the minimum oil so that you can eliminate this cause of weight gain.
- Fruits and Vegetables:
Concentrate on consuming more of fruits and vegetables. This not only helps you in losing weight but also ensures good mental and physical health due to the multiple nutrients present.
- Increase in Cardiovascular Training:
You need to get up and get moving, especially if you have a desk job. Join a gym or ensure you choose cardiovascular training for burning off those extra calories.
- Add Chili:
Research has proved that adding chili to your daily meals can help in the required weight loss as this can help in increasing metabolism and also burning fat.
- Quality Sleep:
Schedule your sleeping time to ensure you get the required amount of sleep. Sleep deprivation is one major cause of obesity and also weight gain.
- Brushing teeth between Meals:
Brushing your teeth in between meals helps you to stay away from the temptation of snacking and can also ensure good dental hygiene. This effort made can help you in losing weight
- Count the Calories:
With this counting of calories you are well in the know of how much calories you are consuming with each meal and can make the required adjustment to your next meal accordingly. Definitely, this is a’ positive’ for the weight loss program.
- Reason for Eating:
Find out the reason if you tend to over-eat. Do you eat because you are really hungry or you have the ‘emotional eating’ disorder. Finding this out can help you rectify it.
- Cut Down on Starch:
You tend to consume fewer calories when you cut down on starch. This aids in the weight loss you are looking for.
- Choose the Food:
There are specific foods which help in the weight loss. It is advisable to make an effort and ensure you consume only these.
- Midnight Snack:
There is no specific reason as to why you feel hungry late at night even after you have had a wholesome dinner. Try to get out of this habit so that there are no barriers to your weight loss program.
- Plant-based Meals:
Research has proved the meat is one definite cause of weight gain. Why not make a change in your meals and try out a diet which is totally plant based for the weight loss.
- Slow the Pace:
Enjoy your meal and get the real flavor of this by ensuring you wait for a count of 20 before you put the next morsel in your mouth. This can slow down the pace and control the amount of food you eat.
- Choose the Fats:
Not all fats are unhealthy; choosing the right type of fats will definitely help in any weight loss program. These fats can manage your moods and also tackle the fatigue.
- Raw Vegetables:
Consuming vegetable in the raw form is beneficial not only to the weight loss but also for your overall health. Concentrate more on salads rather than the main course which s oily and spicy.
- Sandwich filling:
Add healthy vegetables to your sandwich instead of meat. You can make the filling of sprouts, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers and more.
- Cook at Home:
Cooking at home is healthier and safer as you can control the amount of oil used and also the calories. This can be fun and interesting with a little imagination. Get the required weight loss with the meals at home.
- Eating early:
Your dinner time needs to be worked out to early evening if you are looking for healthy living. Ensure that this is a light meal with fewer calories as compared to your breakfast.
- Plan your Meals:
Planning before the actual meal time, will keep you well aware of what you intend consuming and how much of this. You can concentrate more on vegetables and fruits which are nourishing.
- Storing Snacks:
It is advisable not to buy junk foods as snacks for storing at home. You can munch on vegetables when you are hungry or even pick-up a bowl of yogurt.
- Food Journal:
Keeping a food journal can help you lose the excessive weight as you are in the know of the food you eat regularly. This can also keep you motivated.
- Do not Skip Meals:
Avoid skipping of meals as this can lead to over-eating, which means, consuming more calories and weight gain. Eat, but be mindful of what you eat.
- Alcohol Restricted:
If you are a regular drinker, you need to bring this down. You can enjoy a drink or so once or maximum, twice a week. As known, alcohol has a number of calories which are a deterrent to the weight loss program.
- Choose yoga:
Yoga might not help very effectively in direct weight loss but this ensures you have a calm mind sans any stress. This is a requirement for any weight loss program.
- Pick Weights:
Weight lifting does not make you muscular only; this can also help in burning quite a number of calories. Start this at the earliest when you intend losing weight.
- Do not overdo the Gym:
Often you have people choosing intense work-outs as soon as they join the gym. This is not the right way to go about a weight loss program and can also be damaging. Gradually increasing the intensity is what is required.
- Exercise on Empty Stomach:
Not many are aware that exercising on an empty stomach tends to burn off more fat. For maximum results of the weight-loss program try exercising on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning.
- Strict Dieting:
You need not be absolutely rigid about your meals. You need to work this out in a specific manner so that 80 to 90 percent of the time you eat only healthy food but also enjoy your other favorite foods the rest of the time.
- Less Addictive foods:
There are specific foods which you tend to get addicted to. It is wiser to stay away from these so that you can concentrate on other healthier foods to help you with the weight loss.
- Add Spinach:
Spinach is considered to be one of the healthiest foods. Make sure you include this in your meals as this can help in reducing your cravings besides helping in the weight loss.
- Water before Meals:
Drinking water is definitely essential for a healthier you but drinking this before meals helps you remain full and thus, consume less of calories.
- Sprinkle cinnamon:
Only cinnamon might not help in shedding all those kilos but studies have proved that this can definitely make a difference to the loss in weight.
- A Bowl of Soup:
Before you dive into that heavy meal you have prepared, why not drink a hot cup of vegetable broth? This is not only healthy but definitely a big help in losing some of the weight.
- Less of Salt:
Salt is definitely important for that taste in food but there is no need to go overboard with this as salt tends to be harmful in the long run. Besides being one of the main culprits of high blood pressure, this also tends to help you gain weight.
- Walk after Meals:
Even if you walk for only 10 minutes after every meal, it is beneficial. This helps you digest the food you have eaten besides the loss of weight.
- Deep Breathing:
Deep breathing everyday for around 5 minutes is a big help. This can help you relax and also manage the weight loss program.
- Cravings for Sweets:
Instead of all those candies and chocolates, satisfy your cravings for sweets by popping a date. This is a healthier choice and also helps in weight loss.
- Time Span:
Keep a gap of at least 12hours between your dinner and breakfast for aiding weight loss. This means, you can have an early dinner and time your breakfast with a 12 hour gap.
Following the tips listed above can be a ‘definite’ loss of weight. There is no need of trying all these above tips at one time. Start off slowly and add one tip every day. You need to be aware that weight loss which is gradual is more on a permanent basis. You need a little patience and lot of an effort to ensure your weight loss is on a long term basis.
50 Tips to Lose Weight