Does Chewing gum help you lose weight?


Lose weight : Does Chewing gum help you lose weight?

Choose your favorite flavor of chewing gum and benefit from this. Not many are aware that chewing gum can not only satisfy your taste buds but can also help you lose out on some excessive weight. Unbelievable though this may sound, but research has proved otherwise. Chewing gum is known to tackle your cravings for not only cigarettes but also food, this also freshens your breath, and most importantly, chewing gum can help you lose some weight.

Chewing Gum for Weight Loss:

Studies have proved that chewing gum can help you lose weight only if you follow a proper diet and exercise on a regular basis. Eating all that junk and sitting for long hours without any physical exercise does not help in loss of weight even if you chew gum throughout the day.

Now that you have decided to chew gum, ensure you go for the sugarless one as this has lesser calories as compared to the one with sugar.

Weight Loss benefits:

You need to be aware that those who chew gum on a regular basis tend to consume 68 less of calories and do not eat during the rest of the day to compensate. You are able to resist treats considered as ‘fattening’ and can burn 5% more of the calories as compared to those who do not chew any gum.

Tips for Saving on Calories:

Chewing gum can help on saving some calories

*Pop a chewing gum in your mouth to prevent any munching after a meal especially when you go for a get-together or are watching TV.

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*Instead of reaching out to the high calorie snacks in between your meals, chew on gum. This can satiate your cravings for snacks.

*To prevent nibbling while cooking, keep a piece of flavored chewing gum in your mouth.

There are some negatives with his chewing gum. You find many people neglecting the intake of healthy fruits and vegetables when they get into the habit of chewing gum. Make sure you do not skip any meals as this is no way to lose weight.

Chewing gum is not the best choice for those who suffer from gas or bloating. This frequent chewing tends to introduce more air into the GI tract.

Keep a balance even if you choose the chewing gum for losing some weight. The best choice is chewing on mint gum, which not only freshens your breath but can also reduce the cravings.

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