Foods with Vitamin A and Benefits


Foods with Vitamin A and Benefits

For a human body to operate without any complications you need to ensure that the required vitamins and minerals are well balanced. The most important vitamins required by a human body are Vitamin A, B, C and D. These vitamins have different functions in the body and any deficiency in any of these vitamins lead to different ailments. These ailments can be either mild or serious, depending on the level of deficiency. The best option for getting these required vitamins is food. This includes plant-based and animal-based foods. As mentioned, vitamin A is an essential vitamin required.

What is vitamin A:

This essential vitamin is stored in the liver and is fat-soluble. Eating a balanced diet of the apt food ensures the required vitamin A in a human body. You have the Provitamin A and the Preformed vitamin A. The preformed vitamin A can be absorbed directly, and is known as retinol. Provitamin A or carotenoids are converted into the required retinol after consumption. You find retinol in poultry and dairy products, like milk, chicken and eggs. Carotenoids are found in fruits and vegetables.

Benefits of Vitamin A:

Vitamin A is one of the essential vitamins required by the human body as this offers multiple benefits.

*The defenses of a human body are active only if there is enough of this vitamin A. In other words, the immunity of a system is enhanced with this essential vitamin. This helps in the development of the white blood cells and can maintain the lungs, gut, eyes and genitalia.

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*Vitamin A converts the light which enters the eye into signals to be interpreted by the brain. This vitamin is also one of the components of rhodospin pigment which is in the retina of the eye.

*For that apt health of bones it is important to ensure enough and more of the essential vitamin A.

*The reproductive health, especially in a woman, is determined with a balanced level of vitamin A.  This vitamin ensures apt development and growth in the embryos. A deficiency of this essential vitamin in a mother can lead to birth defects in a child.

Sources of Vitamin A:

  1. Goat cheese:

Goat cheese is considered as low calorie but is apt for the intake of Vitamin A.

  1. Cod Liver Oil:

Cod Liver Oil is considered as one of the best sources for retinol.

  1. Liver:

For the non-vegetarians, liver of specific mammals like lamb, cow or pig can work out the apt source of Vitamin A.

  1. Blue cheese:

Another cheese which is full of vitamin A is the blue cheese.

Some sources for Provitamin A are Spinach, carrots, Mango, Papaya and Sweet Potato.

It is advisable to opt for healthy fats when consuming Vitamin A in any form as it is absorbed by the body better. The deficiency of this essential Vitamin A is normally due to fat mal-absorption, inadequate intake and also any disorders of the liver. It is advisable to consult a qualified professional in case you intend taking supplements of Vitamin A.

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