Best exercises to build muscle: What are the best exercises to build muscle


Best exercises to build muscle: It is difficult to ensure patience more so in the weight room and for those looking to a build-up of muscles in a short time. Any type of change is time-consuming but if you do not notice the increase in the size of the muscles every month, you are sure this is a waste of time. You need to look for a training program which is suitable to your requirement and can get you the desired results. This building of muscles depends on your fitness level and physical health. There is a possibility of building almost 10 pounds of muscle in a single month, but you need to be aware that your body will be going through a lot of stress.

Techniques for quick Building of muscles:

  1. Doing Supersets:

The opposite muscles are paired in this technique without resting, back to back between two groups of muscles. On an ‘arm’ day the muscle triceps on the opposite side of the bicep muscles you are working on, is resting. You need to perform the chosen variation of biceps for a single set and then perform the triceps variation without any rest.

This ensures volume with quality in a short period. The superset can be performed on movements which are compound but it is better if a single compound lift is combined with a any joint movement.

Superset between cable rows and bench press is one example of this.

  1. Doing Drop Sets:

Drop sets are a technique where any exercise set is performed variation right up to failure or even short of failure. Some weight needs to be dropped and reps need to be continued with no rest in between the sets and with poundage which is reduced.

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Some examples are

*Barbell Curls: Set 1 -20 kgs for reps which are 1, drop almost 10-15% of the weight and perform 10 more reps, drop weight again and perform another 10 reps right till the time the sets which are planned are done. These drop sets need to be done not on compound movements but on joint movements which are single.

  1. Doing Rest-Pause Sets:

These techniques are considered of modern intensity where there is a possibility of increasing training volume and activation of muscle in a short time. You also can get a good pump. The exercises of rest-pause are done by completing a normal exercise to failure which is concentric. This is the time you are unable to do any rep with a technique which is decent.

You rest for nearly 15 seconds and do a set to failure. The weight needs to be the same. Then you rest again and repeat this procedure as many times as you wish.

This activity of rest-pause activates all the fibers of the muscles in the initial set so the following rep is effective to the maximum. This training of rest-pause needs to be done on movements of single joint like curls, biceps and side raises.

With these simple techniques listed above there is no need of you spending 4 to 5 hours in the gym.

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