Eating after a Workout: Any physical activity tends to use a lot of energy. Recovery for the body is difficult if there is no replenishment of the energy levels within a gap of 15 to 30 minutes after a workout. A little snack is important for the energy levels to be replenished. Glycogen, which is glucose stored, is used by the muscles during any workout. This depletes the levels. Running, which is an endurance sport, tends to use more glycogen as compared to weight lifting, a resistance activity. Exercise can also lead to small tears in the muscles.
The right nutrition restores the levels of energy and spares you from fatigue. This enables the body to build strength and repair the muscles before the next work out.
Carbohydrates, essential fats and proteins are considered as ‘essentials’ for the recovery of the body.
Consequences of no food after a workout:
- Recovery process is slow:
Besides the fatigue, not eating post-workout can also lead to a slow recovery process. There are chances of you getting disoriented due to the low blood sugar. Probably you suffer from over-use injury if you skip this snack.
- Snacks with Proteins and Carbohydrates:
Almond butter and toast, Greek yogurt and sweet potatoes or a veggie omelet can be ideal as snacks for post-workout. Proteins play an important role in the post-workout snack as these can build upon the existing muscles. This helps in the healing of muscles and prevents lean mass loss. This lean mass contributes to a toned appearance which is muscular.
Carbohydrates can help in recharging and restore the supply of fuel. People who have taken to exercising more than 7 times a week need a lot of carbohydrates. Endurance sports require more of carbs.
With the consumption of proteins and carbs at the same time the secretion of insulin is better. This is what promotes the synthesis of glycogen.
- Consumption of Fats:
Consuming fats after a workout might slow down the absorption of the meal. Studies have proved that consuming whole milk promotes more of muscle growth as compared to skim milk. It might be ideal not to consume too much of fat post workout, but some amount of this is definitely beneficial.
- Enough and More of Water:
Water is important before and even after a workout. The body can maximize results only when the internal environment is optimal. Electrolytes and water is lost during workouts and replenishment is important for performance and recovery.
Benefits of Post-workout Nutrition:
Listed below are the multiple benefits offered with post-workout nutrition.
*Less of soreness of the muscles.
*There is an increase in your ability to build muscle.
*There is an improvement in the bone mass.
*Improvement in the recovery.
*The ability to use body fat is improved.
These benefits work for all regardless of age or gender.
Avoiding nourishment after a workout can work in the negative for all those fitness and health freaks. Ensure you put some sort of balanced snack in your tummy even if you do not have any appetite.