How much nutrients do I need to lose weight?


How much nutrients do I need to lose weight:

Though important, weight loss is a lot of hard work. You need to make quite an effort and also ensure you give this your time. Before you opt for any specific weight loss program, consult a nutritionist and a dietician so that you can make a right choice of the diet, keeping the requirements of different nutrients your body needs. You also need to ensure you follow the exercise and diet regime without unnecessary breaks at least for a period of six months before looking for the results.

Studies have proved that the right amount of nutrients included in a diet is beneficial not only for the required loss of weight but also to keep you healthy.

Nutrients required for Weight loss:

  1. Proteins:

Protein can help you in toning down and retain the muscle mass. Besides this, proteins taken in the right amount can curb your hunger pangs and improve the metabolism.

  1. Potassium:

Potassium is one nutrient which is most of the time over-looked in the weight loss program. This is important for the muscle recovery especially after a strenuous work out. Potassium reduces the sodium present in the body and prevents bloating besides flushing out the different toxins. You can look forward to healthy kidney and heart with the intake of potassium.

  1. Fiber:

Fiber increases the good bacteria and thus maintains the balance of the hormones. With intake of fiber you tend to get hungry less often as this has the tendency to keep you full for a longer period of time. This is slowly digested. Some of the foods which are rich in fiber are nuts, seeds, whole grain, cruciferous vegetables and whole fruits and green leafy vegetables.

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  1. Magnesium:

For an improvement in the circulation and preventing retention of water or bloating, you need to ensure the intake of magnesium in your diet. This can also help in regulating the insulin levels which is a requirement of the over-weight and obese people.

  1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

Besides the other benefits offered by the Omega-3 fatty acids, you can look forward to good health of the skin and heart. This can affect the weight loss as Omega-3 can reduce appetite and hunger. Omega-3 fatty acids are known to boost the calories burnt during workouts.

  1. Calcium:

For keeping off the weight lost you need to consume enough of calcium. As known, calcium is also good for the bones and teeth. For the calcium to help in the weight loss you have to reduce the intake of the overall calories.

For that weight loss in a healthy manner there is no ‘one size fits all’ concept. Different types of bodies have different requirements. It requires patience and time to find out which exercise and diet can work for your specific body.

One tip to be followed is to make sure you do not resort to ‘emotional’ eating. There are many people who turn to food when they are going through any type of stress or are anxious. Find other ways to calm your mind rather than eat.


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