Low Carb Lettuce for Weight Loss


Low Carb Lettuce for Weight Loss

Lettuce is favored by many people around the world as this is not only crunchy and delicious but also helps in any specific weight loss program. The leaves of lettuce are used in a variety of salads and also for the popular hamburgers and hot dogs. This is ideal for sprucing up any meal or snack. Health fanatics tend to concentrate on this vegetable quite a bit. There are innumerable benefits offered and thus lettuce has managed to gain popularity with the passing of time.

Nutrition Facts about lettuce:

Lettuce is known for the high content of water but this vegetable also contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats sugars and dietary fibers in small amounts. The vitamins and minerals found in this include potassium, phosphorous, iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, sodium along with riboflavin, thiamin, Vitamin B6, Vitamin A, E, C and K, folate and niacin.

Lettuce for Multiple Benefits:

As mentioned, lettuce is that perfect addition to a ‘weight loss’ meal.

  1. No Fat or Cholesterol:

Similar to most vegetables, lettuce contains zero saturated or unsaturated fats and cholesterol. This zero cholesterol can prevent any cardiovascular diseases and other ailments in any human being.

  1. Water Content:

As lettuce is almost 96 percent of water, this helps in keeping you full without adding to the kilos.

  1. Anxiety Control:

Research has proved that lettuce contains properties which work well for different anxiety problems.

  1. Inflammation Controlled:

Lipoxygenase, which is a type of protein present in lettuce, helps fight different inflammations in the body. Including greens which are leafy in your regular diet can bring down the aches and pains caused due to inflammation. Dark lettuce contains more of antioxidants. This is considered as a ‘pain-safe’ food.

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  1. Promotes the health of the Brain:

Extracts of lettuce, according to multiple studies, have proved that this can control the death of neuronal cells and bring down the risk of Alzheimer’s and other mental diseases related to the brain. Lettuce contains dietary nitrate which is converted in the body to nitric oxide. Nitric acid tends to promote the function of endothelial and thus can prevent any neurological disorders with aging.

  1. Risk of Diabetes:

The risk of Type-2 diabetes is lowered with the intake of lettuce on a regular basis as this vegetable has a low index of glycemic. There is no rise in the levels of blood sugar due to this.

Tips on eating Lettuce:

All you need is a little imagination to ensure your consumption of lettuce is tasty and interesting. You can add this to your everyday salads and once in a way burgers or sandwiches.

*Cottage cheese and Lettuce:

Cottage cheese with lettuce is a total meal or can be had as a snack. All you need to do is wrap the cottage cheese and other veggies in lettuce leaves. This can be perfect with a dip alongside or even with rice.

*Lettuce and Chicken:

Cook minced chicken with different spices and add your favorite veggies. This can be wrapped in lettuce leaves and enjoyed.

Besides the above two, you can have your lettuce with hazel nut.

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