Benefits of Almonds


Benefits of Almonds

Almonds are packed with proteins, minerals, vitamins and fiber and thus offer multiple health benefits. These can be eaten toasted or even raw. You also have the choice of sprinkling desserts and other sweets with almonds, or probably make this a part of your breakfast. Understanding the many benefits of almonds can make it more convincing.

  1. Presence of Anti-oxidants:

Anti-oxidants are helpful in preventing oxidative stress which can be harmful to the molecules in your cells. This can contribute to ageing and also inflammation or other diseases. Almonds are considered to be one of the best sources of anti-oxidants. These need to be consumed along with the outer layer for maximum benefits.

  1. Control of Blood Sugar:

Nuts are high in fiber, fats, and proteins but are low in carbs. This means, these are perfect for those suffering from diabetes. The magnesium present in almonds can control blood sugar to a large extent. Studies have proved that almonds can help in preventing the metabolic syndrome and also diabetes of the Type-2.

  1. Cholesterol Levels Lowered:

Bad cholesterol or LDL lipoproteins at a high level are risky for heart diseases. Diet can make a difference to the LDL level. Almonds included in your daily diet can help in lowering these levels.

  1. Weight Loss:

Consuming a handful of almonds can help you tackle your hunger problems as these can keep you full for a longer period of time. As mentioned, the almond is high in protein and fiber but low in carbs.

  1. Vitamin E in Almonds:
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Vitamin E, which is an antioxidant, is present in a large amount in almonds. These tend to be helpful in preventing oxidative damage to the cells and also lower the risk of certain diseases like, cancers, Alzheimer’s and heart disease.

  1. Protecting against Harmful Oxidation:

The polyphenol oxidants present in almonds can prevent harmful oxidation of LDL cholesterol. This is another positive for preventing heart diseases.

  1. Losing Weight with Almonds:

There are multiple nutrients present in nuts. Consuming nuts can also increase the metabolism and help in the required loss of weight as these can keep you satiated for a longer period of time.

Side Effects of overeating Almonds:

Almonds are definitely beneficial but only if consumed in a balanced quantity. Over-eating of these can lead to different problems which are uncomfortable.

*Over-eating of almonds can lead to digestive problems like bloating of the stomach or even constipation.

*As almonds contain a good amount of Vitamin E, over-eating of this leads to an over-dose of vitamins which can lead to blurred vision or even weakness.

*Almonds consumed in excess can lead to a gain in weight as these are high in not only calories but also in fat. You need to ensure you decide on a lot of physical activity when you include almonds in your daily diet.

*There are also chances of getting allergy with the consumption of almonds. This can be swelling of the tongue, itchy mouth, scratch throat and more.

Before you include this nut in your diet plan ensure you are not prone to any side effects.

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