Building Muscles with Healthy Carbs


Building muscles is not easy; you need to ensure the right diet in combination with the right exercises. As known, protein is a ‘must’ for the required muscles as this helps in repairing and building tissues and is the building block, but over-looking the other macro nutrients is not done. This can lead to problems with your health. There is a misconception about carbs. According to many fitness freaks you need to avoid carbs for the building of muscles. Carbs are essential not only for the required energy level but can also help in building up muscles.

Listed below is the importance of the macro-nutrients for building up of muscles.

  1. Eating Proteins to lose fat and build muscles:

For buildup of muscles you need to concentrate on the in-take of proteins. Ensure the consumption of these macro-nutrient increases. Protein gains more importance when you choose to go on a specific diet as this can prevent muscle loss. Intake of enough protein keeps you satiated and following a diet is easier as you do not face the hunger pangs as often.

Besides this, due to the TEF (Thermal effect of food) the consumption of protein can boost your metabolism by nearly 25%. This TEF is the energy expended absorbing and digesting what is eaten.

Tips on what to Eat:

Turkey breast, chicken breast and lean fish can work for the non-vegetarians and for those following a vegetarian diet, Greek yogurt and whey protein provides the required proteins. Egg whites are another good source of the proteins.

Read more articles  Adding Muscles Through Exercise And Diet

Consuming proteins before and after work-outs is beneficial.

  1. Eating Carbs:

Carbs provide the required energy for all those intense workouts. It is known that carbs are not very essential for the work-outs of low intensity, this means, the normal routine followed by most. The dietary fat suffices for the activities of low-intensity, which also includes walking.

Tips on what to eat:

There are no specific carbs you need to consume. This is left to your preference. This can be pasta, rice, bread, fruits, veggies or even ice-cream.

Eating carbs before and after work-outs is ideal.

  1. Eating fats for Hormones:

Dietary fat is an ideal source of energy as this does not lead to any spikes in blood sugar . This fat is a positive factor for the cardiovascular system, nervous system, brain, endocrine system and a lot more.

Tips on what to eat:

Fish oils which are fatty, fatty meats, butter, avocados, oils and more can be consumed for the requirement of fats.

Fats need to be included in almost all meals except for the meals after and before a work-out.

To put it in simple words, a balanced diet is an essential requirement, immaterial whether you need to build muscles or no. You need to be knowledgeable about the importance of nutrition so that you do not suffer from uncalled for health problems. It is advisable to take the advice of a qualified nutritionist or a dietician before following any specific diet.

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