Category: Fitness
Adding Muscles Through Exercise And Diet
If you want to add weight and muscle, it is very important what you put into your body, what you burn from the body, and what muscles you work upon. Let us talk on both...
5 Small Diet Changes Make Big Difference for Women after 40
Aging is not all about weight gain. Women are likely to gain a pound a year when they reach their 40s and 50s, mostly because of a drop in their physical activities,...
Different Foods for Boosting Immunity
Food for Boosting Immunity : Maintaining good health is important, more so during these times. You need to ensure that your immunity is boosted with not only different...
Boost Immunity with Herbal Decoctions
Boosting immunity is important during these testing times. One way to beat the COVID -19 is to have a good immunity. It has been studies that this corona virus does not...
What are the spiritual benefits of yoga
What are the spiritual benefits of yoga: Yoga tends to focus on the natural tendency of the body towards self-healing and health. The main purpose of yoga is to build...
Benefit of Yoga for Obesity
Benefit of Yoga for Obesity The slimming treatment market seems to be rampant these days as most people are looking to getting slim and fit. Obesity is one problem which...
Potato May Boost Athletic Performance
Boost Athletic Performance: Most of those who are health conscious tend to keep a safe distance from potatoes as they consider this food as harmful for health. Potatoes...
What berries are good for burning fat
What berries are good for burning fat: Berries need to be included in your daily meals as this fruit offers innumerable benefits. As the saying goes, ‘good things come...
Encouraging Physical Fitness at Workplace
Encouraging Physical Fitness at Workplace: All the working out and different exercises seem to have no effect in your physical fitness if you have a job which demands...
What is the best yoga burn program for women?
What is the best yoga burn program for women? A strong body is defined by strong muscles and one of the most perfect ways to achieve this is by the practice of Yoga. As...