Category: Health Care Tips

Choosing a Diet for Diabetes

Choosing a Diet for Diabetes

Choosing a Diet for Diabetes: If you are suffering from diabetes it is important to chart out a specific diabetes diet plan to ensure that your blood sugar levels are...

Tips to reduce Risk of Diabetes

Tips to reduce Risk of Diabetes

Diabetes occurs when the body is not able to make full use of the insulin produced or the pancreas is unable to make any insulin. With each passing year you find the...

Foods to Prevent Deficiency of Iron

Foods to Prevent Deficiency of Iron

There is an increase in anemia, iron deficiency, in most people these days due to the hectic life-style and unhealthy food habits. You find that most of us are on a...

Foods for a Healthy Digestive System

Foods for a Healthy Digestive System

Are you aware that your digestion can play a big role in your overall health? Besides the required sleep, rest, exercise, your health also depends on your digestion....

Covid-19 Unusual Symptoms which can be missed

Covid-19 Unusual Symptoms which can be missed

The corona virus is a new strain of virus which has caused havoc globally. This started from Wuhan in China and is now taken over the world, for sure. This pandemic has...

Looking after Heart Health

Looking after Heart Health

Heart problems seem to have become very common at present. Stress, hectic life style and deficiencies of different nutrients are some of the major causes of heart...

The Effect of Covid-19 on Mental Health

The Effect of Covid-19 on Mental Health

There is a lot of stress, fear, anxiety and concern with the spreading of the Covid-19 pandemic. This is a normal reaction as the situation is unnatural and...

Acupuncture for Relief of Indigestion

Acupuncture for Relief of Indigestion

Acupuncture offers innumerable benefits and can reduce the emotional and physical impact of stress in an unhealthy work environment. As known, health is considered to be...

The Affect of Sugar on the Health of Women

The Affect of Sugar on the Health of Women

Craving for sugar is more so in women as compared to men. This is considered as an ‘evil’ as this has no nutritional benefits, and lead to a lot of health issues on...

Dealing with Anxiety during Covid-19 Pandemic

Dealing with Anxiety during Covid-19 Pandemic

The world is dealing with extremely difficult times due to this covid-19 pandemic. There is no ‘normal’ life these days. Besides the many people suffering from this...

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