Category: Health Care Tips
Ways to manage Psoriasis
Ways to manage Psoriasis Psoriasis is an auto immune condition which leads to a rapid building up of the skin cells. This causes scaling on the surface of the skin....
Facts and Myths about Multiple Sclerosis
Sclerosis: Facts and Myths about Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis is a disease where the immune system tends to eat away at the covering of the nerves. This damage...
Tips to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally
Tips to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally Hypertension or high blood pressure occurs when the pressure of blood rises to levels considered unhealthy. The measurement of the...
8 Tips to Avoid Relapse of Depression
8 Tips to Avoid Relapse of Depression Depression is a mood disorder which can affect your day to day routine. You experience sadness, grief, feeling of loss and all the...
Regulating Blood sugar Levels with Herbs
Regulating Blood sugar Levels with Herbs Diabetes is an ailment which requires regulation of the levels of blood sugar. This can be done with the help of medications and...
Benefits of Millets for Diabetics
Benefits of Millets for Diabetics Diabetes is a common disease and is found in many people worldwide. This is a condition where the body doesn’t use the insulin in an...
A Suitable Diet for Diabetes
A Suitable Diet for Diabetes Those suffering from diabetes are advised to consult a dietician to chart out an appropriate diet plan. This can help you manage the...
How is Diabetes connected to Heart Disease?
How is Diabetes connected to Heart Disease? There is an elevated risk of heart disease for those suffering from diabetes. A large percentage of people suffering from...
Ways and Means to fight Osteoporosis
Ways and Means to fight Osteoporosis When the body makes little bone or even loses too much bone you suffer from the bone disease known as osteoporosis. This makes the...
Maintain Blood Sugar in a Natural Manner
Maintain Blood Sugar in a Natural Manner Not many are aware that fluctuating blood sugar level can have an impact on your energy and also mood. Besides this, your health...