Chicken and Bean soup for Monsoons


Chicken and Bean soup for Monsoons:

Cravings for warm tea, coffee and soups tend to increase during monsoons and winters. This is the pleasure most people look for especially during cold evenings after a long day at work. This is not only refreshing but also beneficial. As compared to other meals, soups are considered healthier. These are not only soothing but can help you stay well hydrated. Besides this, the soups are low in calories. Convenient to make, soups can keep you full for a long period of time.

There is a wide range of soup varieties you can choose from. You can choose the chicken soup, or if you are vegetarian, go for the vegetable soup. This soup is as nutritious and healthy as the chicken soup. You have a choice of making soups light or even heavy in accordance to your requirement and preference.

Adding different beans, chicken or fish ensures all the requirement of proteins is met with the soup.

Bean and Chicken Soup:

For those who prefer vegetarian diet, adding beans to any meal ensures the intake of all the required proteins. You find 21 grams of proteins along with potassium in only 100 grams of beans. Chicken, on the other hand, is full of lean proteins and is thus favored by many.

Recipe for Chicken and bean Soup:

A little effort and time is all that is required for the delicious and nutritious soup of chicken and beans.

  1. The tomatoes need to be roasted on open fire and the beans to be boiled.
  2. The water which is in the boiled beans needs to be added along with the beans. You have the option of also adding the chicken stock. Cook this for a short while so that it is well blended.
  3. Make a salad using bean sprouts, boiled beans and season this with pepper and salt.
  4. Put the salad in the soup and serve this hot.
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Other Foods for Monsoons:

Besides the different soups you can choose to consume different types of food which are safe and healthy for the monsoons.

*Instead of the usual juices, it is advisable to decide on different smoothies during monsoons. Plan your diet with organic food like mangoes, tomatoes, cucumbers for the nutrition factor. Smoothies are quick to make and thus time saving.

*Steam the vegetables you wish to eat. This steaming tends to retain the nutrients and make the vegetables soft. This can also kill the germs present in the vegetables.

*Corn is ideal for all the snacks you so want in the monsoons. This not only reduces cholesterol and lowers blood pressure but also acts as a manager for diabetes. The digestive system functions well with the consumption of corn as this has enough of fiber and starch.

*Ensure you add enough of turmeric in all your curries during the rainy season. This ‘magic’ powder not only brings down any type of inflammation but is also well known for its healing properties.

Whatever you consume during this wet season you need to ensure it is freshly prepared and hot. Eliminate leftovers at least till monsoon lasts.

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