Diet Tips for Calorie Deficit


Diet Tips for Calorie Deficit : A diet which is ‘healthy’ is an essential element for the good health of an individual. How much you eat and what you eat play an important role in maintaining that ideal weight. The other essential factor for good health is regular exercise. Not all diets are suitable for the required weight loss. You need to have a thorough knowledge on the different types of diets before you make a choice of one. You have the freedom to consult a qualified professional for guidance on the right type of diet your body requires.

Exercise and diet needs to be a part of your life-style. This means, you need to include it in your routine and make sure you do not deviate from this with unnecessary excuses.

Creating a calorie deficit in the decided diet can help you burn more calories than what you consume.

Tips on Diet for Calorie deficit:

Few of the tips listed below can help you lose weight with the calorie deficit.

  1. Cut Size of the Portion:

Losing weight can be easy if you decide to serve yourself smaller portions of food. You need to ensure you take the advice of a qualified nutritionist before taking this step. You cannot skip meals when you cut down on the portion. Instead consume 4 to 5 small meals instead of 3 large ones. The food consumed needs to be ‘healthy’.

  1. Eat Vegetables and Fruits of Negative Calories:

Vegetables and fruits of negative calories require you to spend more energy on the digestion as compared to the intake. These fruits and vegetables can create the calorie deficit you are looking for in your weight loss program. Watermelons, cucumbers, carrots are some of the negative calories fruits and vegetables you can include in your diet plan.

  1. Drink enough and more of water:
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Any weight loss program demands you drink a lot of water. This can speed up the metabolism and also restrict your hunger pangs. You can keep on sipping on water throughout the day but ensure you have a glass full before your meals. This helps the body to consume fewer calories and aids the weight loss.

  1. Restricting meal Time:

To help the body burn off more calories there are many people who decide on intermittent fasting. This means, the 3 meals are restricted to either a 12 hour or a 14 hour period of time and abstaining from food for the rest of the day. Taking advice from a qualified professional is important as this can help you from any problems.

Before deciding on the calorie deficit you need to decide on how many calories you need to burn every day. Eating fewer calories than what you burn creates calorie deficit. This is important for losing weight. According to different research, you need a calorie deficit of almost 3500 calories per week for losing one pound of fat. Weight loss can be managed when you can create a calorie deficit of 500 calories per day.

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