How do you remove blackheads from your face


How do you remove blackheads from your face:

A radiant skin is what most people desire, immaterial of age. A glowing skin sans any acne, blackheads or other blemishes is an indication of good health, beauty and confidence. Getting a glowing skin cannot be achieved in a day. You need to make an effort and have enough time to work on this. If you are one of those who has an oily skin, you need to be aware that a glowing skin requires a little bit more of the effort and patience. Oily skin tends to face different problems like pimples, acne, blackheads and also whiteheads.

Getting rid of these skin problems can be easy if you decide to go the ‘natural’ path. All you need is some ingredients which are normally present in the kitchen. The most common areas of the face which are prone to blackheads are the chin, cheeks and the nose. These blackheads are formed when the open pores of the skin are in contact with dirt and grime. This blackhead problem can lessen if you scrub your face with some basic ingredients found in the kitchen.

Face Scrub for Blackheads:

To eliminate the blackhead problem you need to use a face scrub made of natural ingredients. This needs to be used 2 to 3 times a week.

*Crush 2tbsp f oats and place this in a bowl.

*Add a mashed banana along with 1tbsp of honey. This mix needs to be applied to your face.

*Leave this on for 5 to 7 minutes after you have scrubbed it gently in circular motions.

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*After 5 minutes you can wash this off with warm water and apply a moisturizer.


Oats is considered as a natural cleanser due to the presence of saponin. This is perfect for skin which is dry or sensitive. Due to the presence of lipids and proteins, oats works well also as a moisturizer. This ingredient can undo the damage to the skin as it is rich in antioxidants.


Banana is enriched with essential nutrients which makes it perfect not only for a specific diet but also for the skin. Besides amino acids, banana has Zinc, Vitamin A, Potassium, B-vitamins, Lectin, Vitamin E, and more. This can moisturize the skin to the required level as banana has a lot of moisture and is rich in potassium. With all the vitamins present in this fruit it aids glowing skin.


Mixing honey with different ingredients present in your kitchen is considered that perfect beauty treatment. Besides fighting pimples and acne, honey can lighten scars, helps in the reduction of wrinkles, brightens the complexion of the skin, hydrates the skin and adds to the natural glow. Honey is known to have anti-bacterial properties which are helpful for any skin problems.

There is no reason to visit the beauty parlor with so many natural ingredients present in your very kitchen. Natural treatments are any time more beneficial as compared to all those chemical beauty treatments. You tend to save on time and also money.

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