Is Mushroom good for health?


Mushroom good for health: Edible mushrooms have been consumed since times immemorial. There is a wide range of varieties available of this food which is dense in nutrients. These mushrooms are differently priced and not all types are available easily. This is considered as a ‘healthy’ food due to the multiple benefits offered. The popularity of the mushroom depends on the taste, smell and the absence of toxins. This comes under the ‘vegetable’ category but many vegetarians find it difficult to include this in their diet due to the texture, which is very similar to meat.

Facts of Mushroom Nutrition:

The white mushrooms available are low in calories, 22 calories for every 100 grams. These have negligible cholesterol and fats but high on proteins. Mushrooms also contain Vitamin B-6, C and D along with magnesium and iron. Potassium, which is an essential requirement for the good health of the brain and the heart, is also available in mushrooms.

Some Benefits of Mushrooms:

Including mushrooms in your diet offers multiple benefits.

  1. The immunity system gets a boost up with the mushrooms included in your diet. These tend to have anti-inflammatory properties and play a big role in preventing diseases of the respiratory tract. Mushrooms are also consumed for the good health of the gut. This can prevent obesity.
  2. The anti-oxidants available in mushrooms can boost the longevity. This can protect the different cells from radicals and also help the body to cope with the normal stress of oxidants. Some mushrooms with maximum anti-oxidants are


*Lion’s Mane

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*Golden Oyster




  1. Mushrooms have little fat and a few calories but a lot of nutritional value. These contain chitins and beta-glucans which are types of fibers. These dietary fibers tend to reduce appetite, thus help in the required loss of weight. It has been proved that mushrooms can be healthier as compared to meat.
  2. Digestion tends to improve with the intake of mushrooms as these are probiotic, nourishing the good bacteria in the gut.
  3. Mushrooms contain cancer fighting properties as these contain lectins which are one form of proteins, which bind abnormal cells and also cancer cells.

Adding Mushrooms to your Diet:

You can add mushrooms in sautés, soups and as substitutes to meat, ensuring these are consumed cooked. You need to choose mushrooms carefully as some of these a toxin to the human system.

You have the choice of using mushroom powders or dried mushroom to the different recipes for maximum consumption.

Tips for Edible Mushrooms:

As mentioned, mushrooms need to be chosen with care and caution. It is advisable to seek the help of an individual who has all the required knowledge of the different types of mushrooms.

*Avoid mushrooms which have red on the stem or the cap.

*Avoid mushrooms which have a white gill, a ring or a skirt and a base which is bulbous.

Getting the apt knowledge of different types of edible mushrooms and then including these in your diet can definitely work out a healthy option.

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