Managing Stress during COVID – 19


Managing Stress: The corona virus pandemic seems to have gone out of control. This is now a major cause of stress for most of us. Dealing with this is definitely tough, especially if you are living alone, far from your family. It is difficult to get in touch with the therapists and there is always a fear which does not allow us to operate and function in a normal manner. Even the daily routine seems to be tough. Taking all the limitations and problems in focus, here is a list of apps which can help you deal with the extreme stress during these trying times.

  1. Moodpath:

These present times are extremely challenging, more so for those suffering from depression and anxiety. The Moodpath is an app which can help you out in these conditions. This app includes different features like mood tracker, digital file and many audio files and different articles which help you build your self-confidence and positivity. This Moodpath is a free app and can be helpful.

  1. Woebot:

Woebot is a service by AI which can help you vent out by messaging a bot. The respond by the bot is a feedback which is thought-provoking and encouraging. This app makes use of therapy techniques based on cognitive behavioral. This app is designed by psychologists and can help you out during these stressful times.

  1. Youper:

Youper is a health assistant of AI. This app allows you to conversations via text messages with a bot which helps with a feedback for improving and monitoring your mental health. This app can also offer treatments which are more personalized for anxiety and depression. This is free and can be used on Android and iOS.

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  1. BetterHelp:

BetterHelp can connect you to the therapist you require. You can then video call, text message or even call your counselor. This is a paid service available on Android and iOS.

  1. Sayana:

At times to feel better all you need to do is define your feeling. This app, Sayana, helps you do just that. This app is more about self discovery, helps you in articulating your feelings and tracking your mood so that the healing process can start fast.

  1. I am:

Changing a negative attitude to a positive one is easier with positive affirmations. This app, ‘I am’ sends positive affirmations as notifications throughout the day. This can help in changing your thought process.

It is advisable to set ‘me’ time even when you are cooped inside your home with your family. This can be done at least for an hour where each of the family members is by himself/herself and doing what relaxes them the most.

You can relax with a book, watch a movie or probably listen to your favorite music just to get out of the negativity of this situation. Remember, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Have some patience and let life run its course. Make sure you do not sit glued to the news throughout the day. This can only increase the anxiety and stress.


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