Reasons to include aloe Vera in your Diet


Reasons to include aloe Vera in your Diet: This short-stemmed shrub which is also known as the ‘wonder plant’, Aloe vera is fast gaining popularity worldwide due to the multiple benefits it offers. This shrub is widely used in different herbal remedies, food supplements, cosmetics and also food. This is generally used to treat injuries but is perfect for the different health benefits it offers.

More about Aloe vera:

This aloe vera plant has thick and short stems in which water is stored. This plant can grow up to 12 to almost 19 inches in length. Each of the leaves in this plant is full of a tissue which is slimy and tends to store water. This tissue of water is the ‘gel’ of this plant. It is the gel that contains minerals, vitamins, amino acids and a number of antioxidants.

Reasons for including Aloe vera in your daily routine:

Research has proved time and again that aloe vera needs to be included in your daily routine due to the many benefits this offers.


Aloe Vera has been used in the treatment of burns and other injuries since a long period of time. This needs to be rubbed into the affected part of the skin to accelerate the healing process.


There is proof of aloe vera being of help to those suffering from Type-2 diabetes as it tends to enhance the sensitivity to insulin and also help in managing the levels of blood sugar.


Aloe vera is known to have laxative properties and thus ensures a smooth digestion. This also helps in balancing and improving the intestinal flora. This leads to an increase of the good bacteria in your gut and also expels the parasites which are harmful.

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*Dental Plaque:

Some painful health problems are the dental problems faced by most at least once during a life time. Reducing the plaque buildup can help in reducing the risk of this problem. A mouth wash which contains aloe vera is known to work wonders for dental plaque as this can kill the bacterium which produces plaque.

*Skin Problems:

Applying aloe vera gel on the skin tends to increase the production of collagen and also improve the elasticity of the skin. This can be used as an anti-aging gel for the skin.

Tips on using Aloe Vera for Skin:

Research has proved that aloe vera can be used as a moisturizer without making the skin greasy. You can either use the gel directly on the skin or made some packs along with other ingredients for additional benefits.

  1. Aloe vera for Dry Skin:

Mix a little aloe vera with a little honey, a tsp of milk and a small pinch of turmeric along with rose water. Apply this paste and leave it on for around 20 minutes.

  1. Aloe vera for Acne:

Mix the aloe vera gel with a little honey and blended walnuts. You can apply this paste and wash it off after some time.

Besides this, you can use aloe vera with yogurt and cucumber along with rose oil for skin which is sensitive.


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