Research on Cancer, Diabetes, and Parkinson’s derailed by the Covid-19 Pandemic


Present times can be considered as one of the most challenging times the world has ever faced. This Corona virus has hit badly and is causing deaths like never before. Covid-19 or the corona virus is difficult to tackle as the symptoms are very similar to flu. Most of the hospitals, globally, are dedicated to treating patients suffering from this dreadful disease. With the total concentration on managing this covid-190, most of the doctors and scientists are at a loss of time for other diseases.

Scientists from world over fell that research for other diseases like cancer, diabetes or even Parkinson’s has taken a backseat as most medical fraternities are totally involved in finding and researching a vaccine for the corona virus.

Research for Different Diseases:

Most the funds for research for the different disease have dwindled wi8th the passing of time and the laboratories are forced to shut down.

In the beginning of 2020, scientists and doctors were looking forward to find better ways to treat Parkinson’s, diabetes or cancer with more research done on these diseases. This was not possible due to the wide spread of the deadly pandemic of covid-19.

The only focus at present times is finding a cure or a vaccine for managing this corona virus. This can be a negative impact on the other diseases for a long period of time.

Diabetes Research:

Before this pandemic, there was good progress made on the research for diabetes. Scientists were looking forward to important breakthroughs which could help in preventing the onset of diabetes, especially the Type-1. The research included some smart insulin pumps coming into the market and probably a drug to delay this disease.

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Cancer Research:

The cancer research had progressed in a positive manner. People were excited about new immunotherapy and CAR-T therapy for blood cancer. The research was also leading to predictions of the onset of blood cancer, with the goal of prevention. At present, most of the research labs have closed down and the re-opening of these once the pandemic is under control is going to be a slow process.

Impact on Researchers:

For researchers with challenging projects, there are set of changes to be considered. In short, you can say that funding for different research is practically impossible at this moment of time.

Ensure you keep yourself safe during these trying times. Try staying at home and only step out is it is absolutely necessary. Follow social distancing and also follow the guidelines set by your government. Try maintaining a distance of 1 meter at all times between you and any other individual. This is important especially in those areas which have been affected by Covid-19.

It is important to self-isolate if you have even mild symptoms. It is important to monitor yourself. You need to self-quarantine if you do not have any symptoms but have been in close contact with an individual who is affected. Be positive as these are trying times for the whole world.

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