Benefits and Sources of Vitamin E


Sources of Vitamin E: It is extremely important that there is a perfect balance of the different vitamins and minerals along with proteins in your body. Most often, you have people concentrating on the good fats and proteins and overlooking the essential vitamins. Vitamin E is one such vitamin which is among the many essential vitamins required by a human body. Besides minerals and other dietary components for the body to work in the apt manner, at least 30 vitamins are considered to be an essential requirement.

Majority of these vitamins are consumed on a regular basis only if you have opted for a balanced and healthy diet. It is advisable to consult a nutritionist to find out which vitamins are lacking in your body.

Vitamin E and Benefits:

*Vitamin E is a fat-soluble nutrient and works as an antioxidant. This helps in protecting the different cells from any damage caused by radicals.

*This vitamin is an essential vitamin as it ensures the smooth running of the immune system and can prevent infections.

*Vitamin E is also essential for the eyes and can help in eliminating the risks of cataract.

*Prostaglandins, which are hormones like substances are produced with the help of this vitamin. This regulates a number of processes in the human body, like muscle contraction and blood pressure.

*Studies have proved that Vitamin E can help improve the cognitive function and reduce the risks of diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

Sources of Vitamin E:

There are multiple sources of this essential vitamin, Vitamin E. Listed below are few of these.

Read more articles  Benefits of the Antioxidant Vitamin E
  1. Peanuts and Peanut butter:

Peanuts which are legumes are often mistaken for nuts. These can be consumed as snacks as they are rich in proteins. You also have the option of using peanut butter for your regular meals. The 100 grams portion of peanuts contains almost 44 present of the daily requirement of vitamin E.

  1. Sunflower Seeds:

The sunflower seeds are rich in polyunsaturated and mono fats along with the essential vitamins, which include Vitamin E. These can also be consumed as snacks. 100 grams of these sunflower seeds contains 35.7 milligrams of vitamin E.

  1. Almonds:

Almonds is one of the most popular snacks and besides the apt amount of Vitamin E , this also has many other nutritional benefits. You find 25.6 milligrams of Vitamin E in 100 grams of almonds.

  1. Wheat germ Oil:

The wheat germ oil is an extraction of the wheat kernel and is considered as one of the best sources of vitamin E. This vitamin E source works out a little expensive and is perishable. This is not so favored among those looking for sources of vitamin E.

  1. Avocado:

Avocado is full of healthy nutrients and a rich source of vitamin E.

  1. Spinach:

Spinach is all time favorite of the health freaks globally as this is an apt low calorie food. Besides vitamin E, spinach has a number of essential vitamins which include Vitamins C, k and A.

As you have multiple sources offering you essential vitamins you have the freedom to add at least one of these in your regular diet and gain maximum benefits.

Read more articles  Fruits for the Required Proteins

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