Weight Loss Tips: Low Calorie High Protein Roasted Peas


Weight Loss Tips:

There are multiple programs for weight loss. This leads to confusion. You need to be aware that loss of weight is not possible in a few days or weeks; this needs some time and patience. Once you have decided on weight loss you can be sure of multiple benefits. Besides a healthy physical self you are well balanced mentally and emotionally. You find that you are active socially and are more confident. The stress levels take a dip with this weight loss. The risks of different health problems are eliminated. This includes stroke, heart disease, blood pressure, blood sugar and a lot more.

Peas for Weight Loss:

As known, proteins are important for any weight loss program. This can help in building the body tissues and also keep you satiated for a long span of time. There are multiple sources which can provide the required proteins and peas are one of them. Besides high levels of proteins, peas are known to be ‘low-calorie’.

Nutrition of Peas:

Peas are known to be full of the required nutrition. These are rich in Vitamin C, manganese, Vitamin K and also trace elements and foliate. Peas are known to contain insoluble fiber which helps in reducing the risks of any heart disease and is also beneficial for the gut.

Benefits of Peas:

Besides the required weight loss, consuming peas offers a whole lot of benefits.

  1. Benefit Digestion:

The fiber present in green peas tends to feed the good bacteria in the gut. This ensure gut health and eliminates the risk of the over population of the bad bacteria.

  1. Healthy Control of blood Sugar:
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With the GI index being low in green peas, this helps in controlling the levels of blood sugar. Besides this, the proteins and fiber present can also benefit the blood sugar.

  1. Protection against Diseases:

Green peas are known to contain minerals which are ‘heart-healthy’. These include calcium, potassium and magnesium. This can help in maintaining the blood pressure so that the risk of heart diseases is lowered.

Your diabetes is kept well in control due to the presence of fiber and protein in green peas.

Cancer can be avoided with the regular consumption of green peas due to the antioxidants present.

Tip for Green Peas Chaat:

Bake the pods of green peas for around 10 minutes. Once these are crispy you can add 1 chopped onion, 1 chopped tomato, 1 chopped capsicum and 1 chopped carrot. To this, you need to add the juice of 1 lemon and a pinch of rock salt. This can be consumed on a regular basis as this is not only tasty but also healthy as it does not contain any oil.

It is important to ensure you make the ‘weight loss’ and ‘heart health’ diet interesting so that you are not left hungry. Weight loss diet can be interesting if you plan out the daily meals. Take small steps at a time so that there are no negative effects to the diet.

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