Why is nutrition important for women?


Why is nutrition important for women?

Stress levels in women seem to be on a fast-pace at recent times as you find more and more women taking up jobs and also looking after the family and homes at the same time. The basics of important nutrition are unknown to most women. This can affect the whole family as a woman is in charge of cooking and feeding the family. This works as a ‘double’ loss as not only the woman but the whole family suffers in some way. Women in cities are more prone to different deficiencies like iron, iodine, vitamin D and of course energy.

In short, be it a man or a woman, nutritious food is an essential for healthy living. Vegetables, fruits, whole grains, dairy sources, proteins are considered as ‘essentials’ for a healthy fat. You need to avoid excessive sodium, added sugar and Trans fats.

Calories required:

As compared to men, women need fewer calories due to the smaller structure of the body and less of muscle mass. This is applicable even if both, the man and the woman are of similar weight and height as according to research, men tend to burn more calories as compared to a woman.

Minerals and Vitamins:

There are many cases where a woman requires more of essential vitamins and minerals as compared to men. There needs to be enough of intake of iron, calcium and folic acid. Child bearing and the changing hormones tend to make women more prone to osteoporosis and weak bones.

Iron intake:

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Iron is another concern for women due to the loss of blood on a monthly basis. A woman, pre-menopause, requires around 18 milligrams of iron as compared to men, who need only 8 milligrams. The best source of iron is small portions of fish and chicken or red meat. Iron is also found in plant-based foods like green leafy vegetables, cereals or whole grain foods.  Combination of food rich in Iron with foods which are rich in Vitamin-C tends to ensure the absorption of iron.

Folic Acid:

The requirement of folic acid in a woman is more during the pregnancy so as to avoid any complications with the fetus. For the requirement of folic acid to be fulfilled you need to concentrate more on citrus fruits, beans, peas and leafy greens. You can also choose food which is fortified with folic acid, like some bread, rice and breakfast cereals.

Vitamin D:

Vitamin D is known to increase the absorption of calcium and also for the metabolism of the bone. As sunshine is important for the right amount of Vitamin D you need to ensure there is no over-exposure. This might lead to different skin cancers.

Choosing drinks and food which are considered as ‘healthy’ can eliminate the risks of different ailments. You need to pick and choose healthy foods from all the different choices available. Getting the required nutrients from the food eaten is anytime better to consuming different supplements. Make the small changes in your eating habits to ensure the good health you are looking for.

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