Yoga for Summer: Cooling Pranayam to Beat the Heat
Pranayama is also divided into those that are performed with mental recitation of the mantra ( samantraka ), and those without a mantra ( amantraka) Many asanas were designed to train various parts of the body: muscles, nerves, organs and glands – so that the whole body is healthy and works harmoniously. The human environment, its constitution, temperament, state of mind and health are constantly changing, therefore, various asanas in various situations help to eliminate diseases and strengthen harmony.
There are several Pranayama techniques that have been taught for millennia. They complement each other and learn progressively, since some are more difficult than others.
In summer, the most demanding postures should be replaced by the softer ones such as certain inverted asanas, some forward push-ups and pranayama exercises or breath control.
In summer, the most demanding yoga postures should be replaced by the softest ones and, in this sense, we can avoid some standing, certain twists or those that require more dynamic movement, such as the sun salutation ( Surya namaskar ), and enhance plus soil or pranayama or breath control. Most lying positions that allow us to open the pelvis and abdomen and create space in the rib cage and digestive organs will help us relax and lower revolutions and temperature.
The inverted poses soft are also a great relief to the circulatory system in hot weather because the force of gravity helps blood back to the heart much more easily, and we also help alleviate fatigue or swelling and heavy legs typical of the summer. Viparita karani, sarvangasana or even sirsasana, if they are not too intense or cause an unpleasant drop in blood pressure, they thus become refreshing poses with immediate effect.
The techniques of pranayama are the ways in which breathing trains. To deepen visit Introduction to Pranayamas.
Some Pranayamas, such as Sheetali, Sheetkari, and Chandra bheda, are helpful in cooling off if you are indoors and the heat is making you feel uncomfortable.
Sheetali Pranayama
- Sit comfortably, stick out your tongue and bend it like a spoon.
- Inhale through your mouth, hold your breath, and exhale slowly through your nose.
- You can repeat this Pranayama five to ten times.
- It cools the body and helps quench thirst.
- Helps cleanse the liver.
- Improves digestion.
Sheetkari Pranayama
- With your mouth open, grit your teeth and press your tongue against your teeth.
- Inhale
- Close your mouth and breathe out normally
- You can repeat pranayama five to ten times.
- As in Sheetali, it cools the body and helps quench thirst.
- Chandra bheda Pranayama
- Chandra, the moon, is the lunar nostril, that is, the Nadi “ida”, the left nostril. Bheda means “what pierces.” The purpose of the exercise will be to “pierce” the lunar nadi, to make it permeable.
Shut the right side nostril with your right thumb.
Completely exhale through the left side nostril, and after that inhale through your left side nostril.
Shut your left side nostril with your ring finger, and exhale throughout the right side nostril.
Revise this 5 to 10 times: inhaling from the left and exhaling from the right.
It has a refreshing effect on the nervous system and nadis (subtle nerves).
This is a pranayama of calm. Ideal to do it at night before sleep or when you need to lower the solar energy of your body a little.
After each pranayama exercise, lie down in Savasana, or corpse pose: on your back, with your feet straight, and your hands at your sides. This pose relaxes the body and mind.